Friday, January 23, 2009

We visited the dam at Battambang, which was built by the Khmer people during the Khmer Rouge. It was about an hour and half away from our hotel by bus because most of the road was so torn up from carts, tractors and other vehicles. The bridge had an chilling feeling to it. Knowing that thousands of people had died building it and that anyone in the village or near by villages had probably built it if they looked over 30 years old didn't sit well with me.

The children were excited and curious to see us. They would follow us around as we looked at the dam and would whisper and laugh if we looked back to see what they were up to. We learned that they were so far from the city that it was very hard for them to get pens and pencils. We gave all the pens that we had on us to the children and they were so happy. They drew on themselves and when we gave them paper, they drew pictures and wrote in Khmer. It was really awesome to see kids that happy.

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